Light and The Moonlight Tales - Istifanus Sarki

So, while I watched my daughter playing with some other kids whose family also came here on vacation, I began to reflect over how I came about her name. Then I went deep in thought and began meditating on the word, LIGHT, again; the same word that took me several years to dig on its mystery, searching through the scriptures.

How that the first thing God spoke to being was LIGHT, and how I wondered, Why light? How my question led me to a revelation of God's purpose for making light the first thing to be.

How I came to realize that God himself is Light and so, it deems him fit to create his nature and character. Selah!

How that called us to arise and shine cos our LIGHT has come, and how he declared that we are the LIGHT of the world, a city built on the hill, which cannot be hidden.

Then I felt a pat on my shoulder, "Daddy", and turned. "I've been calling you for decades, dad, and you just sat here like a statute. You are always thinking about God knows what". She threw her hand in the air to demonstrate her words, her funny angry face, like her mother's.

"Must you always think?"

"Mum", she turned to my wife, "How did you end up marrying someone like daddy in the first place? How did you always cope?"

Sweet looked at our daughter's face, then looked at me. She smiled and shook her head, then continued sipping her fruit juice.

"Uhh, you guys are booooooooring!!!" She stressed the word with her lips parting to create an O shape. We simply laughed.

"Anyways, I need some pics to show my friends in Nigeria. They are dying to hear from me"

"See her mouth. You sef wan form Dubai tourist abi?" I made jest of her

"DAT one no matter abegi", she said, as she sat in between Sweet and I, stretching the selfie stick. "Say Dubaaaaaaai!!!" We all did and she snapped our pictures.

"Emm, hope you are not planning on posting it on social media", Sweet quickly asked as she was leaving.

"Before nko?", the naughty girl replied. She made to leave, then turned, "Dad, is mum expecting me to get to Nigeria before sharing my experience with my friends? Goshhh, mum I can't believe you are this....." She watched my wife grab one of my shoes, then she quickly changed her words, "I can't believe you are this beautiful mum" she said it with a persuading smile. Well, Sweet can't be fooled. She still threw the shoe at her,

"DAT tin weh you wan tok before, I swear you go tok am today o, if not, Na me and you", Sweet said, as her daughter ran away laughing.

Originally posted on my Facebook timeline on the 22nd Jue 2017
